Hakol B’Seder Feedback Was this your first year ordering Hakol B'Seder* Yes, first time No, I ordered last year What was your favorite part of this year's haggadah companion?*Did you benefit from the recipes? Yes, I loved them! No, I didn't use them much Did you appreciate the mental health check ins?* Yes No Which writer did you like the best?* Bari Mitzmann Danielle Renov Mimi Hecht Rachel Tuchman LCSW Elisheva Liss LMFT Esther Goldstein LCSW Shevi Samet Rina Deutsch Esther Levy Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt Franciska Ahuva Gottdiener Chana Chava Ford Alaya Hertzel Why did you like that writer best?*How can we improve Hakol B'Seder?*Is there any other holiday that we should make Hakol B'Seder for? Rosh Hashana Yom Kippur Succot Shavuot Purim Chanukah Please share a testimonial that we may be able to use in the future!*Your InfoName* First Last Email* Your Instagram Handle Δ