The High Holidays are imminent, and I can’t help but think about what has happened to me over this year. It’s crazy to think that all of what I have experienced since last Rosh Hashana came to be because of the decrees that were written on Rosh Hashana and sealed on Yom Kippur.
Last Rosh Hashana, Gd decreed that I would be written in the book of life.
Last Rosh Hashana, Gd decreed that I would suffer some residual effects of Lyme Disease
Last Rosh hashana, Gd decreed that I would make positive changes to my barianna account on instagram and have them be well received.
Last Rosh Hashana, Gd decreed that I would no longer be able to work a regular 9 to 5.
Last Rosh Hashana, Gd decreed that I would create The WOV Life, a podcast that has gained a large following and critical acclaim in a relatively short period of time.
The good and the bad, all decreed on Rosh Hashana and sealed on Yom Kippur.
…maybe not?
Maybe on Rosh Hashana Gd decreed that I would suffer a horrific trauma, heaven forbid.
Maybe on Rosh Hashana Gd decreed that I would experience tremendous loss, heaven forbid.
Perhaps the actions I resolved to take during Rosh Hashana and during the 10 days of repentance resulted in Gd having incredible mercy, thereby changing the harsh decrees and rewriting His initial plan for me, filling it with open blessings and blessings in disguise.
The months of pain that I endured this year led me to leave my job. They led me to wonder what I could do to channel my strengths and use them for something powerful yet required less energy. I believe that the pain that I suffered was pure mercy and was in a way a spiritual growing pain to bring me to a passion i didn’t know I had.
Rosh Hashana is coming up. Gd already knows what next year will hold for us. It is important that we understand that Gd wants what is best for us and solely wants us to resolve to try.
He wants us to try to be better, to try to connect more with Him, to try to reveal our souls more than we previously have.
Gd simply wants us to try.
I recall wanting to try and I truly believe that my resolve resulted in a much more merciful, blessing-filled year.
May we all try to become better each day, and resolve to move, at whatever pace, in a positive direction-who knows what troubles will be erased because of it.